Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Things are finally moving!

First of all, for anyone who has been checking, my apologies for the long delay in posting.  This had been an unusually busy year and have been thrown out of my normal routine a few times, but also there had been nothing significant to report.  This has changed.

Today, I received my advance copy of the new book.  I am the first to admit that what the publisher may be charging for it may be hard to justify.  However, the quality of the book is excellent, with thick, glossy bond paper throughout that really highlights the detail in the photographs that I selected.  I've found a couple of transposed captions and a couple where I let a mistake or two slip through, but overall am extremely pleased with the final result.  The books are being printed in China, and the official word that I have received is that it will take 6-8 weeks for the copies to arrive at Schiffer.  Unofficially, I have heard through the grapevine that it will be available around Christmas.  This is later than I had hoped, but it is good news nonetheless to know that they are on the way!

The next part is to begin planning the specifics of a marketing campaign and book tour.  The timing will actually work out pretty well to kick things off on Museum Day, which is always the first Saturday in February, which will be the 7th.  I am usually out with my F-101B at the Aerospace Museum of California at McClellan Park (the former McClellan AFB) just north of Sacramento during those events, so can do my thing and talk about the airplane right there.  We usually have around 10,000 visitors each year during Museum Day, so will have a lot of walk-through traffic if nothing else.  I have a standing invitation for an event in St.  Louis, MO, where the F-101 was built, and have contacts where I can probably schedule events in Seattle, Washington DC, and Connecticut.  Very exciting but it also means that I have to have a fairly accurate picture of demand for books so that I know how many to pre-order.

Tonight, I will resume posting "This Day in Voodoo History here, on my Facebook page, and at f-101voodoo.com.  I've been negligent in that regard, but time to put my nose back to the grindstone again and get to work!  In the meantime, I will also do my best to post weekly updates on the book tour or any other relevant information.

Thanks for dropping by, and come back soon...ya' hear?  ;-)

Ron Easley

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