Friday, August 23, 2024

My Next Project

I'm dusting things off here and starting work on a new manuscript for a book on the development of high-speed flight. 

Most attention has been paid to experimental test planes, but I am much more interested in how these innovations were translated into production aircraft that reached operational service.  My emphasis will be to explore aerodynamic, airframe, structural, and turbojet innovations that were needed to achieve first supersonic flight, then the even greater challenge of achieving Mach 2.  I will cover the X-1, D-558, X-2, etc., in due course, but will essentially start the story with the YP-38 Lightning, look at early transonic designs such as what would become the XF3H-1 Demon, and follow things forward from there through at least the development of the F-104A.  

Look for some little draft snippets to start showing up here soon.  I might put up some new F-101 stuff as well based on continuing research.  Stay tuned, fighter fans!